Friday, April 24, 2009

Global issue?

Regarding the Ozone Layer depletion issue, I always hear..
"Zomg! The Ozone Layer is depleting!"
(not so bombastix la..usually is "Yea la, Ozone layer gettin thinner and thinner liao.")
"Everyone's gonna get Skin Cancer!"
" Yeah! We're Moving to Mars!! point is everyone is aware that OUR ozone layer is depleting,even now, is a bad thing.

The bad guy..CFC A.K.A chlorofluorocarbons

"One of the elements that make up CFCs is chlorine. Very little chlorine exists naturally in the atmosphere. But it turns out that CFCs are an excellent way of introducing chlorine into the ozone layer. The ultraviolet radiation at this altitude breaks down CFCs, freeing the chlorine. Under the proper conditions, this chlorine has the potential to destroy large amounts of ozone."


Actually the worst culprit of all..The..

Human, example of an irresponsible human

Anyway, thanks to our barbaric nature, we (human) are basically ripping off our earth..CFC were used in air conditioning/cooling units, as aerosol spray propellants prior to the 1980s, and in the cleaning processes of delicate electronic equipment.

Well, all is not lost, our Ozone layer can regenerate itself. However, regeneration of the ozone layer would take at least 50 to 60 years..provided we continue to eliminate emissions (of ozone-depleting chemicals) from electrical appliances, such as Air Conditioner and Refrigerator by reducing its usage. This task is even harder than shuffling..

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