Friday, April 24, 2009

Global issue?

Regarding the Ozone Layer depletion issue, I always hear..
"Zomg! The Ozone Layer is depleting!"
(not so bombastix la..usually is "Yea la, Ozone layer gettin thinner and thinner liao.")
"Everyone's gonna get Skin Cancer!"
" Yeah! We're Moving to Mars!! point is everyone is aware that OUR ozone layer is depleting,even now, is a bad thing.

The bad guy..CFC A.K.A chlorofluorocarbons

"One of the elements that make up CFCs is chlorine. Very little chlorine exists naturally in the atmosphere. But it turns out that CFCs are an excellent way of introducing chlorine into the ozone layer. The ultraviolet radiation at this altitude breaks down CFCs, freeing the chlorine. Under the proper conditions, this chlorine has the potential to destroy large amounts of ozone."


Actually the worst culprit of all..The..

Human, example of an irresponsible human

Anyway, thanks to our barbaric nature, we (human) are basically ripping off our earth..CFC were used in air conditioning/cooling units, as aerosol spray propellants prior to the 1980s, and in the cleaning processes of delicate electronic equipment.

Well, all is not lost, our Ozone layer can regenerate itself. However, regeneration of the ozone layer would take at least 50 to 60 years..provided we continue to eliminate emissions (of ozone-depleting chemicals) from electrical appliances, such as Air Conditioner and Refrigerator by reducing its usage. This task is even harder than shuffling..

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Fire BURNS us alive!!!!! (Ahmed Kumayl)

Fire burns us alive while we are breathing and walking and talking like normal things that human does but we doesn't realize that fire burns us up in many ways.One of it is our food.


the answer would be the forest that has been deforestation are mostly generates the ingredient for our food.Spices and herbs and other natural material to create our food like pizza, hot dog and so on are being destroyed.Since its being destroyed by either humans or nature,our food has been jeopardized and this cause big impact to nature food chain and to our food.

Food can be develop or create or found in any species and plants but most our food are mix with lillte bit of animal's flesh and plants.For example,Mc Donald.It produces burgers and as we all know,that burgers contain a piece of beef or meat and add with vegetables and sealed with two piece of bread which is come from wheat which is also from plant and most importantly the spices that been use to make the burger an extraordinary.

So,the point that im trying to point it is that our food basically must contains mixture of meat and plant.When our food doesnt has the plant or vegetables,our food will become unhealthy as well as boring and does not give satisfaction for those who are food lovers and food experts.

When plants or our main resource being destroyed by fire,not entirely but it is increasing in many parts of this world especially for developing countries,the demand for food is increasing as well as the price for it.Many people are desperately buy anything to fill up their stomach to live as long as possible.It sounds lillte bit dramatic for us that lives in modern city that food can be found anywhere but it doesnt for poor and unfortunate people like those in Africa or any part of country that has poor people.The deforestation are burning their hope of living because its destroying the only thing that make them survive in this world.Eventhough that we that live in the city that full of food,our money are burning easily and a lot just to satisfied our stomach because the food are hard to produce that is due deforestation.

The effects of deforestation is tremendous.It gives a big impact to our lives and also to animals and plants and most importantly to this world that we are living in.Referring to food,our food not only decreasing that i mentioned in early paragraph, its contagious.Its become poisonus.

How does it poisonus our food?
Deforestation are forest that being burn intentionly or accidentally by humans or nature,so, when forest get burns,animals are affected.Animals that we usually eat like cows or chickens or goats are going to suck the dirty fillty air and stuck in their body,Thus,it destroys the animals by destroying their body little by little.Mostly it will destroy their flesh,the meat that we are always eats.So,when these animals are send to the factory to be slaughter and turn into small packaging to send to all kinds of restaurants and they will produce burgers,hot dogs and chicken chop and so on.So,we are the consumers happily eat the food and we end up being sick or die of poisonus food.

So,as you can see deforestation......

BURNS the forest,
BURNS the animals,
BURNS the good air to breath,
BURNS our money that we've worked hard for,
BURNS us alive till we die!!!'re fired!!

Compared to last year, the 2004 burning season in the Brazilian Amazon has gotten off to a raging start. Data from Brazil's Environmental Protection Institute's (Ibama) Amazon Forest Fire Prevention and Control Program show that the number of hot spots observed by the NOAA-12 satellite is up 19%, compared to last year.

More than half of the Amazon region fires observed (70,000 out of 116,574) were in the state of Mato Grosso. In second place is the state of ParĂ¡, with over 24,000 fires. The areas in the two states where most of this year's fires are located lie in the so-called Arch of Deforestation, which curves along the eastern and southeastern edges of the rainforest.

It is exactly where the greatest amount of deforestation and burning in the Amazon take place.
Amazon fires have been monitored in Brazil since 1985.
Alberto Setzer, who monitors Amazon fires, says that if data from other satellites (NOAA-16, Terra, Acqua and GOES-12) is fed into the system the total number of fires nationwide is close to one million.
Setzer says slash and burn farming is traditional in Brazil and fire is used indiscriminately throughout the country, even in industialized areas.
Setzer points out that Brazil is paradoxical in that it has a state-of-the-art monitoring system but is unable to control the burning. Brazil, he says, can fine a vehicle that emits too much carbon dioxide, but has not managed to deal with the problem of smoke from forest fires that are deleterious to human health, attack the ozone layer and harm the environment.

Forest fire VS Ozone layer - part 1

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas found in the Earth’s atmosphere that absorbs certain wavelengths of the sun’s UV radiation. Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone is concentrated in a part of the atmosphere called the stratosphere. Stratospheric ozone is most concentrated between 6 and 30 miles above the Earth’s surface. Ozone is formed when oxygen molecules in the atmosphere absorb UV radiation and split into two oxygen atoms (O), which combine with oxygen molecules (O 2 ), to form ozone molecules (O 3 ). Ozone is also broken apart as it absorbs UV radiation. In this way, UV radiation helps sustain the natural balance of ozone in the stratosphere, while ozone, in turn, absorbs it, protecting life on earth from harmful radiation.
Ozone depletion describes two distinct, but related observations: a slow, steady decline of about 4 percent per decade in the total volume of ozone in Earth's stratosphere (ozone layer) since the late 1970s, and a much larger, but seasonal, decrease in stratospheric ozone over Earth's polar regions during the same period.

Forest fire mainly exhume carbon monoxide also commonly known as CO. This chemical create a lot of bad effects on human mainly. The chemical equation that this chemical create at the ozone layer

CO (carbon monoxide): natural-forest fires - 2CH4 + 3O2 ---> 2CO + 4H2OAnd the effects of acute exposure to carbon monoxide are headaches, dizziness, decreased physical performance which is in summary is a chronic expo-stress on cardiovascular system, heart attack.